Star Wars Lunch Bag: A description

Star Wars Lunch Bag: A description

Star Wars lunch bags were something I started for my eldest son when he began Summer Camp in 2009. It was something special that I could do for him each day. It also acted as an ice-breaker, a conversation piece between my son, the camp staff and the other campers. Now, I've got two boys in camp, so it's double the quota. Each night I draw up pictures, usually something "Star Wars-y" on the next day's lunch bags. It can be any thing: a ship, a character, a mash-up, or whatever ( I do take requests.) It's something fun for them to discover each morning. And, it's a reminder of me, their Dad, when they are off having fun at camp.
In years past, most of the bags were kept by the camp staff. But, so far this year, the boys have been bringing them home to keep for themselves.

Some of the bags turn out fairly decent. And others, perhaps, not as successful or artistically satisfying. But, in the end, it's all for fun - theirs... and mine.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Luke Pancake + 501st Phone Trooper - Day 28 - 2013

Okay, nobody gets my bizarro Luke Pancake bag. And I mean, nobody. I just thought the boys, especially the younger one, would find it funny 'cause it was a pancake speaking the words of Luke Skywalker. The butter is gone, there's an empty jug of syrup, a plate of crumbs and something burning in the toaster - There's nothing left for him there now. Amazingly, the little guy really, really loved... even if he didn't get what the joke was.
They both loved the 501st Phone Trooper. It was fun to draw. It might actually work too.


1 comment:

  1. Love the "nothing here" now - I definitely needed your explanation. Maybe if he stood middle ground amidst the mayhem, looking at knocked-over bottle with only a single dried drip. And we would need a small sliver of vertical left of butter to know what it is and see how much is gone. Very creative. Applause now.
