Star Wars Lunch Bag: A description

Star Wars Lunch Bag: A description

Star Wars lunch bags were something I started for my eldest son when he began Summer Camp in 2009. It was something special that I could do for him each day. It also acted as an ice-breaker, a conversation piece between my son, the camp staff and the other campers. Now, I've got two boys in camp, so it's double the quota. Each night I draw up pictures, usually something "Star Wars-y" on the next day's lunch bags. It can be any thing: a ship, a character, a mash-up, or whatever ( I do take requests.) It's something fun for them to discover each morning. And, it's a reminder of me, their Dad, when they are off having fun at camp.
In years past, most of the bags were kept by the camp staff. But, so far this year, the boys have been bringing them home to keep for themselves.

Some of the bags turn out fairly decent. And others, perhaps, not as successful or artistically satisfying. But, in the end, it's all for fun - theirs... and mine.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Commander Cody - Lunch-bag - 2012

Nothing silly with this bag today - other than it being a lunch-bag. I hadn't done a "cool" bag in over a week, and since the Clone Commanders were an idea on my mind earlier in the day, I went with it, and did something a little more dramatic.  It all came together, from doodle to finished bag in a pretty short period of time, which is a nice thing for me.
There's something about Commander Cody's colors that I love - Orangey-yellow, white, grey and black... it just appeals to my brain.
I made up this view from what info I could gain from a few pics that came up on a Google Image search. I inked it with a big black magic marker, and pulled out my old Prismacolor markers for some quickie coloring. Done! Got to bed at a decent hour. And it looks close enough to the Clone Wars Cody, that my boys knew who it was and seemed pretty excited about it.
I usually don't use white bags 'cause the white is so stark. The brown bags have that nice neutral background I like, but I have to use pencil crayon to get colors to show up well enough. But, I'm down to my last brown bag, so... I've started dipping into the white bags. The Color shows up nice! As a result, I can get sucked into coloring out to the edges a lot more. It worked out well for this one, though.

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